Schemes have their own corresponding training book, owned by the gymnast. Training books list all the skills required for each piece of apparatus for each of the progressive levels. The skills are ticked off by the coach as they achieve them, creating a complete training record of achievement. At a glance gymnasts, coaches and parents can track the training and skills learned. Alternatively use the NatGAP App available on both Apple and Android.
Sharing the same eight apparatus sections in each level, gymnasts can work on skills in sections of the next levels up, before completing every section in a level.
This way, gymnasts are not held back on any piece if they need further time to progress on some apparatus, encouraging them to keep progressing towards their next award on others.
Each section has a medal to collect – every medal is different and comes in the colour to reflect the level and section.
Coaching guides and posters have diagrams to show all the skills contained in the books. Coaching Logs allow you to keep a record of the skills for 12 children at a time on a sheet which corresponds with the gymnast’s own training books. Should a child lose a book you can then mark a new book with the skills already achieved.